Integrated Circuits (ICs)
739344 items
Attribute | Attribute Value |
Base Product Number | CUB7TC |
Count Rate | - |
Display Characters - Height | 0.350" (8.90mm) |
Display Type | LCD - Green Characters, Backlight |
Ingress Protection | IP66 - Dust Tight, Water Resistant |
Input Type | No Voltage, Voltage |
Mfr | Red Lion Controls |
Mounting Type | Panel Mount |
Number of Characters Per Row | 8 |
Operating Mode | Up |
Operating Temperature | 0°C ~ 50°C |
Output Type | - |
Package | Box |
Panel Cutout Dimensions | Rectangular - 45.00mm x 22.20mm |
Product Status | Active |
Reset | External, Front Panel |
Series | CUB7 |
Termination Style | Wire Leads |
Time Format | Multiple |
Type | Time Counter (Hour Meter) |
Voltage - Supply | None Required (Battery Included), 6 ~ 26VDC (Backlight) |
Weight | 0.11 lb (49.9 g) |
Batch, Preset, Tachometer, Timer, Totalizer 100 ~ 240VAC Panel Mount
Shipping | Use DHL Express by default |
Delivery |
Will usually ship within 3 bussiness day. |
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